I found a website tonight on using ipads in the artroom. I'm still not convinced as I look through and just see "games" or "time wasters"..... I know all teachers need "filler" activities, but there just seems to need to be SOMETHING that is really useful in the artroom for space filler or enrichment.
Here is the site, regardless, so I don't forget it!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
For your final 11 Tools post, answer these questions:
1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.I have always enjoyed animoto as a class tool to use to highlight the successes of my students. If there were a way to download photos into the ipads and have each student take their own photos and then do their own animotos of the year of their projects and creating an online portfolio, I would love to see something like that being a feasible part of what I do. www.artsonia.com highlights each student's work, but is very tedious in order to download, label, edit every single student's artwork. If there were a project based site that would allow the students to photograph their work, and do it themselves, I would love to see that. It would be a great way for online assessment for both the students, myself and for their parents to see.
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?I will definitely have to make changes to my classroom in order to accommodate the 21st Century learner. I can't say that my feelings towards incorporating this into my classroom has changed much as to with what I am supposed to be teaching in my class. As an art teacher, I have project based learning with handson experimentation in order to create the product. With very little time next year in actual class time, I would see this being problematic trying to incorporate this into everyday learning. I would love a way to have a piece in every student's hand which would update the daily warm up so that they have to answer it on their own blog or something incorporating the reading/ writing aspect of what I teach, however... again, with this aspect... trying to do the ART part on the blog doesn't work.... this would surely be something that I would have to really "see to believe" in order to make it work!
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I can't say yet whether or not that there were unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised me. I do think, however, that with each department (LA, MATH, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES, VISUAL ARTS, PERFORMING ARTS) meeting with eachother almost monthly with a district coordinator(from what I hear anyway) that this program could be more geared towards individual expectations for each department. I think it would be a much better learning experience being able to post directly to a group of Art Teachers to see where we ALL struggle, what we ALL feel, and so that district personnel who are watching the site, could hone in on specific departments and possibly get "specialist in that particular field" to help out. With varied skill sets, art teachers teach basic concepts, but all in their own way. All hands-on and all covering the basics and beyond of art techniques. I feel like technology in a non-technology based art class will be used as an afterthought (sorry to be so negative). I do not want the kids "playing games" when they could be mixing paints, making sculptures, or creating collages. When they sign up for a digital art class such as graphics design, autoCADD for designers/architects, and photography/journalism where the technology is hands-on and used daily to accomplish their technology driven curriculum, I feel that they will be getting the basics of technology from those teachers....
(this is hard to explain I guess...sorry)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Tool #10
For your Tool #10 assignment:
In YOUR blog post:
1. Discuss at least three things you would want to make sure your students understand about being good digital citizens.
I want students to know #1--I WILL NOT GET IN TROUBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS on the internet. They will NOT use digital devices in the classroom without permission and without being monitored for usage. #2--Students need to understand that it is important for them to keep user names and passwords private and that what is placed on the web will forever remain on the web and what that could possibly mean to their future. #3--Make sure that when they are using the resources that plagarism is bad. They may NOT copy and paste information word for word and must document the site information from where information is taken from.
2. Share at least one of the resources mentioned above or on the Ed Tech website that you plan to use instructionally.
I found http://digitalcitizenshiped.com/curriculumOutline.pdf as a great resource for art students. It talks about how students are "creators" and must make sure that the way they use information found on the web is legal to use, if the item is original, plagarized or used for inspiration.
3. Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your students.
See #2. Also, being an art teacher, we face this challenge at every single art contest we enter. Copies of inspiration, photo release forms, and necessary documentation has to be turned in with all art work entered. We also can explain how one student used another student's art portfolio that she was able to steal from the internet and facebook pages got her into art school for college, but then later sued for stealing and misrepresenting herself.
4. Explain briefly how you plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with your parents.
If parents ask, I will explain my classroom rules set up for specific pieces of equipment. I will not assign grades on projects solely on the use of the internet that would require students to have access to digital components at home. I will also let parents know and try to make them understand that with the "world of art", lots of things are questionable. If I give a student a topic such as "cowboy" and they decide to do research to get images for a piece of rodeo art, some things that may be inappropriate could show up on google image searches. I guarantee I am not suggesting or sending their students to inappropriate sites and "Mrs. Walton will NEVER say it's okay to save, print, email or send images inappropriate for school for ANY project... EVER! and that "I will NOT take the blame for students using the internet inappropriately. EVER." If a student choses to make that decision, they will be restricted from any future internet usage and will rely on library resouces such as books and magazines to finalize their projects under the watchful eye of their teacher.
Tool #9
Tool #9 Assignment, create a new post in which you respond to the following:
- Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective?
I think that, for art, it is important to tie technology to an objective from time to time but not for every project. Art is "hands on." Students can not learn the actual objectives set out and master a "technique" by using a computer. I realize that there are many art related fields that are completely digital...however, basics are still necessary. You can't expect a child to learn to add simple numbers if you never teach him to count on his fingers and give him only a computer or a calculator.
2. Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers?
Students should be held accountable when moving into stations or centers because each center or station is set up for the specific purpose of learning a different objective.
3. Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?
ThinkFinity is an interesting interactive website for doing some simple web based projects. I could set up an ipad and have them create an interactive postcard to someone about a specific artist that they just "visited"?
4. List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?
Discover Art History is a online research center where kids can type in an artist name or a time period and they will be presented with information on that topic. This would be good for reports on artist/time periods.
DrawCast - Drawing/painting/sketching/doodle is a photo editing app where you can import photos (hmmm) and then edit them and then post them onto facebook, etc. I would have them download their completed images into a drop box for me to grade.
Tool #8
For Tool #8, in your post:
- After watching the videos/tutorials, list two to three things you learned about the device(s) that will be in your classroom this fall.
- How do you plan to manage the device(s) in your classroom? Do you have ideas/suggestions that others may find useful?
I have learned that the ipads have plenty of fun "games" on them to use in the art rooms as well as having the internet at the student's fingertips. I have found several tutorials that can be used in the classroom as well as talking to another social studies teacher at another school, she has shown me an app that will record my voice as well as anything I type or insert into the ipad and can be used for students who are absent, etc. I find that the "art apps" are usually game related which I find non-useful to the students other than for a play toy. I have seen "non-art people" get real excited about the "pottery making" app and tell art teachers that this app will help them in the classroom, however, I feel that there is nothing like actually having a student's hands in clay to do this or mixing paint for themselves rather than digitally on a device. I will have to work more with the devices to come up with the best solution for this situation and would love help with that aspect as I am a ipad dummy.
Tool #7
For your Tool 7 assignment, create a post and respond to the following:
Post the following about the project:
- Content objective
- When you plan to implement
- What tool(s) you plan to use
- A brief description of the project (plan - two or three sentences)
- If you need to find another classroom - We can begin networking with other classrooms right here!
My content objective would be to collaborate with other art teachers to create new projects and share ideas with eachother and our students. I plan to use pinterest, facebook, and artsonia in order to gather and share resources between art teachers. Pinterest is a great resource that I have created a class page where my students can use this page to "pin" lessons that THEY see as exciting and as a possibility of future class projects. Pinterest requires the users to be 13 years of age, which most of my students will not be. This is why I have developed the Mrs. Walton's Art Class page on pinterest so that they can add to this page. I have a facebook page set up so that I can correspond to students in this manner. It is a private page and one has to request to be able to join the page which limits who is able to see, comment, or respond on that page. Artsonia allows me to post student artworks where parents are able to purchase various items with their child's artwork on it. I have also worked with Zebra Zone and Wildcat Way to create their artsonia pages as well.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Tool #6
(Interesting to note.... I just went to check my email and the email's I sent from my googledocs Tool #4 exercise were in my junk mail. Not sure why, there isn't another way for me to send the email, it's just a box to click on the doc...) ANYWAY.....
Tool #6 discusses using the tools in the class for instant feedback. I think blogs are a great way for feedback to parents as well as students to see what they are being required to do and what projects SHOULD look like when completed.
The wallwisher program, and others like it, allow for the instant feedback in the class. I do not think these types of things will work well in a classroom if they are only periodically used. I think if there were a way to post them where kids could see the results quickly and easily all the time make the best impression and they will become more and more familiar with using them!
For your Tool #6 Post:
- Choose at least two of the tools from the above list. Create an account for each (if required) .
I have created a blog for my classroom using Blogspot/Bloggger.
I created a wallwisher board for use with the blog.
2. Use each of the tools you choose to create a sample of how you would use it in your classroom.
3. Embed the sample (preferred) or link to the URL.
http://mrswaltonsartroom.blogspot.com/ and http://wallwisher.com/wall/mrswaltonsartroom
4. Share your thoughts on how you see the tools being integrated into your classroom. How do you see them encouraging participation?
I like the idea of a classroom blog. I have always liked it so that I could document the processes and procedures as well as projects in my classroom. I'd like to have expectations set up so that others can see how I run my class, etc.
Wallwisher seems fun and requires short answers, not long drawn out ones. I think the kids would like this opportunity.
Tool #5
THIS tool, I can do! And do, do!
- Use at least two of the tools above to create products. Think about your content. Create a “set” for one of your lessons! Or, consider providing the site as a choice for your students to create products. Make a model for a student created product.
The students will work using famous art quotes to create a storyboard set up using appropriate images that fit the characteristics of the quote.
Art Inspired Storybird is a cute link, but not what we would actually be encouraged to use an an art teacher. It's really cool to see the artist drawn images and be able to storyboard and write the story, but not as a class assignment. Cute site though.
Animoto is one that I use as an art teacher all the time to document the work of my students, student events, etc.... I absolutely love that you drag and drop the images and it puts the photos moving on beat with the music.
http://cms.springbranchisd.com/inthenews/Home/tabid/26095/post/building-sandcastles/Default.aspx is our news article which contains the most recent animoto from students creating sandcastles at Galveston, complements of the SBEF $5000 grant!
3. Describe for your readers how you think each tool can be incorporated into your classroom - how you could see the tool being used by you instructionally and your students to demonstrate their understanding of a concept or topic in your classroom.
I love using animotos to set the "set" or "hook" of a lesson, or to show off an artist. The kids really are glued to the images that move quickly across the screen.
Tool #4
Okay, let me first say, I do not like Google Docs. At all. They make me crazy. I think it's like Mac people not liking PC platform based things and vice versa. It just frustrates me. Kinda like eating peas. I'll eat them to set a good example (okay, maybe not....), but I don't have to like them!
So, with that said.... I've done it, I've accomplished what was set out for us to do...on to Tool #4.
Tool 4 says:
For your Tool #4 post in your blog:
1. Create at least one document in Google Docs and share it with a few others on your campus or within your department. It could a team member, a department colleague, or another teacher with whom you plan a collaboration. Ask that person to comment or chat and real-time edit the document with you. Done! Created a mini list of things I have to remember as an art teacher by month. I sent it to Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Reap, Ms. Ricco, and Mrs. Ache to comment on.
2. Create one form in Google Docs and send it via email to at least two other people and ask them to respond. Done! I created a budget spreadsheet that would give access to myself and the other art teacher so that we can see the "checkbook", giving Val and Dee access to view.
3. Briefly discuss how you can use the tools in Google Apps with your team or department. How can you incorporate Google Apps as a tool in your classroom? Which tools are you excited about using with students? I think I can try to figure out how to get the list of vendors together for the art fundraiser, etc... I would think that you could make an exam on Google forms if you have a way that all students could access it and answer the questions.
1. Create at least one document in Google Docs and share it with a few others on your campus or within your department. It could a team member, a department colleague, or another teacher with whom you plan a collaboration. Ask that person to comment or chat and real-time edit the document with you. Done! Created a mini list of things I have to remember as an art teacher by month. I sent it to Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Reap, Ms. Ricco, and Mrs. Ache to comment on.
2. Create one form in Google Docs and send it via email to at least two other people and ask them to respond. Done! I created a budget spreadsheet that would give access to myself and the other art teacher so that we can see the "checkbook", giving Val and Dee access to view.
3. Briefly discuss how you can use the tools in Google Apps with your team or department. How can you incorporate Google Apps as a tool in your classroom? Which tools are you excited about using with students? I think I can try to figure out how to get the list of vendors together for the art fundraiser, etc... I would think that you could make an exam on Google forms if you have a way that all students could access it and answer the questions.
Tool #3
Tool #3 deals with video sharing and watching. Paying attention to fair use and public domain, etc... it is sometimes hard to find what is "legally" okay to show to students in order not to really mess up or set a "non-good example" for the students. The answers to my Tool #3 assignment are in red.
For your Tool #3 Assignment:
- Visit several of the video hosting/streaming sites mentioned above. Share with your readers which sites you found most useful for your content and why. I think that teacher tube was interesting because they are all produced by educators (or their students) so the subject matter seems to be all school appropriate, content wise. I had not used teacher tube before, so it was nice to poke around on that site.
- Using any of the video resources mentioned above, find and select twovideos that may be useful resources in your classroom. Video on how to embed directly into blog post below.
If they do not have embed capabilities, hot link them to your blog. **See Below - Articulate what you learned about copyright and fair use. What was new to you? I really liked the Harry Potter Can Fly idea with "Homegrown, Public Domain, Creative Commons, Fair Use". It helps to understand slightly better. I like that it suggested that you make your own ideas and videos, etc... Creative Commons available to others.
- Create a Dropbox account and add some files to it How could you use this tool in your classroom? I recently created a drop box and it was instantly filled. I think it would be good to actually use this type of thing between teachers, even in different districts in order to share resources (example: Loren and I have created a sketchbook full of warm ups that we use wiht our students on a daily basis. While he was in the district, we had a shared file. Now that he has left, the drop box would be handy to continue this collaboration and creation between the two of us so that eventually, we can publish our masterpiece!)
This is a video on Tessellations. Although, it's on a geometry site, it shows that art and math can go hand in hand. Enjoy a video on tessellations using one of my favorite artists, M.C. Escher.
Wanna paint like Pollock?! HEre is a good abstract expressionism painting video showing students and teachers creating masterpieces as group paintings.
Tool #2
I'm getting the hang of blogging. :)
I am working on a book for my kids with the things that we have done over the summer, and I was told that if I did a blog, and included photos, I could eventually print it into a book with a different program. I am excited about that. I do not necessarily want people commenting on the blog, I would prefer to use this particular thing as more of a diary of sorts.
My "other blog" is www.whatsforsummer.blogspot.com . So you can see, I am actually "practicing!"
Building Community in the Online Environment is Tool #2 in this journey to achieve all 11. So here is my attempt at Tool #2.
It says
"For your Tool #2 Post in YOUR blog:
- Visit at least 5 blogs - choose a few from the list below and a few from your campus wiki (on the right sidebar) and comment to one of the posts. To comment on a blog post, typically search at the bottom of the post for the comments link. Then, you will type your comment using your Google Apps account identity. Or, Visit 3 blogs and expand your PLN differently by signing up for a Diigo account or Google Reader and following the bookmarks/websites of 2 other Diigo members or websites.
http://artteachershateglitter.blogspot.com/ is a hilarious account of an art teacher who is pushed around to various schools and doesn't teach art lessons, but rather "art life lessons". The quote that brought me to her blog was ""I always loved art teachers because they were so bizarre. They were like the homeless people of the faculty -- all disheveled, wearing smocks, covered in paint, always digging through the garbage, looking for bottles and egg cartons and things." -Ted Alexandro"
2. After completing the above, share you thoughts about building and participating in an online community and participating in a PLN. What points stood out to you from the commenting advice? Were you able to apply any of the advice in your comments? How did you feel about sharing your thoughts publicly? Was it different than when you're sharing your successes/challenges with your teammate?
Sharing my thoughts publically on a blog bothers me because I feel like I will lose the blog or not go back to it to know if someone has responded. I am all for discussion and talking with those, even those you don't know, about social and educational content online. It's different from sharing with my teammates because there is more of a "discussion" when it's one on one and you can judge what someone is saying because you know them, rather than assuming what they are saying or inflection in their voice.
- Share the url or name of a blog or social network that you plan to visit in the future. What does that site have to offer?"
I plan to attempt to visit this blog more often. http://theteachingpalette.com/category/blog/ it has many various art tips, ideas, classroom management ideas, etc.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Tool #1
I've always wanted to attempt a blog. So far, so good. Besides the fact that my computer seems to not be updated, and I can't do it on the brand new ipad that was given to us, it seems like, as of now, it's not very useful! I am excited to continue to learn how to do this. I want to learn how to add photos and make it useful for the things that I do.
We'll see.
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