Monday, June 18, 2012

Tool #3

Tool #3 deals with video sharing and watching.  Paying attention to fair use and public domain, etc... it is sometimes hard to find what is "legally" okay to show to students in order not to really mess up or set a "non-good example" for the students.  The answers to my Tool #3 assignment are in red.

For your Tool #3 Assignment:
  1. Visit several of the video hosting/streaming sites mentioned above. Share with your readers which sites you found most useful for your content and why.  I think that teacher tube was interesting because they are all produced by educators (or their students) so the subject matter seems to be all school appropriate, content wise.  I had not used teacher tube before, so it was nice to poke around on that site.
  2. Using any of the video resources mentioned above, find and select twovideos that may be useful resources in your classroom. Video on how to embed directly into blog post below.

     they do not have embed capabilities, hot link them to your blog.    **See Below 
  3. Articulate what you learned about copyright and fair use. What was new to you?   I really liked the Harry Potter Can Fly idea with "Homegrown, Public Domain, Creative Commons, Fair Use".  It helps to understand slightly better.  I like that it suggested that you make your own ideas and videos, etc... Creative Commons available to others.
  4. Create a Dropbox account and add some files to it  How could you use this tool in your classroom?  I recently created a drop box and it was instantly filled.  I think it would be good to actually use this type of thing between teachers, even in different districts in order to share resources (example:  Loren and I have created a sketchbook full of warm ups that we use wiht our students on a daily basis.  While he was in the district, we had a shared file.  Now that he has left, the drop box would be handy to continue this collaboration and creation between the two of us so that eventually, we can publish our masterpiece!)

This is a video on Tessellations.  Although, it's on a geometry site, it shows that art and math can go hand in hand.  Enjoy a video on tessellations using one of my favorite artists, M.C. Escher.

Wanna paint like Pollock?!  HEre is a good abstract expressionism painting video showing students and teachers creating masterpieces as group paintings.

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